DIY Digital Effect Pedal Platform Review: The Top 9

9 DIY Digital Effect Pedal Platform List To start researching on DIY (do-it-yourself) digital  effect pedal for the next project, let’s see the list first. Take a look at some popular platforms to compare their specifications and prices, here are some: UNO – Electrosmash’s pedalSHIELD UNO MEGA – Electrosmash’s pedalSHIELD MEGA DUE – Electrosmash’s pedalSHIELD DUE Electrosmash’s Pedal Pi Openmusiclabs’s […]

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Multi-Channel Expansion Oversampling: 15Bit from 12Bit ADC

Introduction: Analog-to-Digital Conversion Oversampling Every analog-to-digital conversion is designed for specific resolution depending on the bit (binary digit) width of the conversion. For example, a 10 bit ADC with 5V reference would have 5V/1024 resolution or about 4.883 mV. The intrinsic error related to the resolution is the digital-quantization error  of ±0.5 bit. In other words, it should produce only […]

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16-bit Audio PWM by Dual 8-bit PWM with Auto Calibration

Introduction: PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) for Digital Audio Conversion Pulse width modulation (PWM) technique has been widely used for converting digital audio stream into audio signal since it is very simple and easy to implement. Many low-cost micro controllers include dedicated PWM controllers as their standards, and many engineers use it for many purposes. In this article, we present the solution […]

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Programming The Lock Bits Using Arduino ISP with AVRDUDE

Intoduction: Protecting The Arduino Uploaded Program Codes If you want to sell the final product developed with Arduino, then you need to protect the firmware from cloning. Similarly, you need the protection as well when selling an embedded software by selling the programmed microcontroller chip. Fortunately, there is a lock bits fuse that that is programmable using the ICSP interface. […]

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HM936D-AM8 Digital Soldering Station Controller Chip – User and Developer Manual

Product Description HMC936D-AM8 is a controller chip for HM-936D digital soldering station controller board. The controller is implemented using ATMEGA8 microcontroller, programmed with lock protection to disable the chip for being read or modified. It runs on 8MHz  internal factory calibrated RC clock, so there is no need to provide XTAL and its related capacitors. The operational menu, custom sensor […]

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Writing Simple Software Serial Function in Arduino

Introduction: Hardware Serial Vs Software Serial Arduino hardware and software development platform provides both hardware serial and software serial communication libraries. Hardware serial communication uses the microcontroller’s internal serial interface hardware that manage the digital signaling on its pin, even computing the parity bit for data transmission or for checking the received data if required (configured),  so the CPU can […]

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Arduino HM-936D Soldering Station Controller Development

A. Introduction: The 936 Soldering Station Series in The Market With the popularity of specific brand’s soldering station labeled with 936-series, many manufacturers (mostly Chinese companies) make benefits by producing the counterfeit products with the generic names “936 series” soldering station. It is a good things that their parts are widely available on the online marketplace, as shown in the […]

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State Machine and Cooperative Multitasking Model: Simplify Complex Processes Programming for Microcontroller

Introduction: Microcontroller Software Design for Complex Processes Designing a software for complex tasks or processes will be easier if we organize the whole tasks into smaller functional tasks, where the tasks communicate each-other through common variables. For a functional task, a concept of state machine has been established for defining and describing the process details, which could ease the implementation […]

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Adjustable Frequency Flip-Flop Circuit Using Inverter Gate

This flip-flop circuit uses one potentiometer and one capacitor as the frequency determining components. The assembled circuit is shown in the Figure 1, and the schematic diagram of the circuit is shown in the Figure 2. The circuit consists of one integrated circuit of inverter gates (4069 CMOS or  74C04), one electrolytic capacitor, two resistors, two LEDs, and one potentiometer. […]

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Converting 5V 7805 Linear Voltage Regulator to Produce 6.4V Output

Making a linear voltage regulator using 78XX integrated circuit series is very easy, it needs only one or two additional components to make the integrated circuit chip works. The problem arises when we need a custom voltage specs for the output, since they come in discrete fixed voltage variation (specified by XX parameter printed in the body of the IC […]

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High Voltage (220VAC) Bass-Treble Automatic Disco Light Controller

The previous music-controlled disco light controllers, the audio-controlled disco light controller circuit and hi-lo (treble-bass) disco light controller have some features and drawbacks. The first one features high voltage drive, enable the circuit to drive 220VAC lamps, and the drawback is that it has only one way (single channel control). In the other side, the second version has two-way (bass […]

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